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2023-08-16来源:网络阅读: 1848

      2023年春天,上海师范大学本科、上海中国科学院研究生学历的徐瑞明老师Chinese teacher Xuruiming又发送电子邮件申请诺贝尔奖!这次申请课题是宇宙地球生命起源、宇宙生命研究。已经向大使馆和诺贝尔奖委员会发送电子邮件。寒冷荒芜的星球产生生命!这就是中国人的寒武纪生命起源的意思。宇宙地球生命都源自寒冷荒芜的星球。 地球30亿年前CH4+H2S形成可燃冰遍布海洋至今。原始大气二氧化碳、甲烷、氨气、硫化氢等反应产生糖类、脂类、氨基酸等有机分子,混合气体反应特性是产生有机物的必然条件。脂类泡沐结合糖类、蛋白质、DNA核糖核酸形成团聚体,进化成细菌细胞。许多类似地球的行星同样进行着这样的反应过程。英国康桥cambria大学发现10亿年前大冰川,因此寒武纪称为cambria地层。6.5亿年前气温回升氧气积累后光合作用演化出好氧呼吸,细菌体积增大成真菌。地球生命大爆发了!光合细菌蓝藻演化出藻类。原生生物分化出动物。寒武纪生物大爆发,在短短2千万年-2.5万年的时间里,迅速出现了2000万种以上的动植物。宇宙生命起源和大爆发研究方面,中国人徐瑞明老师Chinese Xuruiming提出宇宙中许多星球不适合动植物生存,但是适合场态生命存在的星球比较多。      


       寒冷荒芜的星球产生生命!这就是寒武纪生命起源的意思。宇宙地球生命都源自寒冷荒芜的星球。 宇宙生命起源和大爆发研究方面,中国人徐瑞明老师Chinese Xuruiming提出宇宙中许多星球不适合动植物生存,但是适合场态生命存在的星球比较多。电磁波为基础的场态生命在宇宙中有更强大适应能力!场态生命的优势:没有原子分子结构,适应多种宇宙环境,能够在强磁场的星球生存。隐形穿越固体,容易超光速飞行!高中物理表明,物质都具有波粒二相性。物体原子分子消失转变为电磁波为基础的场态是很普遍的可能性。 事实上实验证明,原子分子为基础的有机体人体可以在蜂窝状电磁场作用下转变进入场态。据说中国已经能够批量生产隐形衣,按钮就可以控制隐形衣电磁场使人体隐形进入场态或还原。可见场态是可以实现的,宇宙中有许多的外星生物可以作为场态生命存在。可以认为,场态生命是宇宙中最普遍的生命形式。人类也可以进化到场态生命阶段,并且实验表明这种转变是可逆的,能够还原。可以认为,场态生命是宇宙中最普遍的生命形式。电影展示了宇宙中有许多的外星生物和外星人。生命一旦产生就会迅速进化,演变出千奇百怪却又合理存在的各种生物!请参观旅游云南省澄江县寒武纪生命大爆炸博物馆、帽天山寒武纪公园、浙江省江山市雷达山寒武纪世界金钉子公园。上海中科院生命科学研究院的研究生徐瑞明工程师推动了寒武纪世界金钉子公园旅游和研究工作。

        宇宙生命分为三大类型:有机体生命、场态生命、机器人生命《Life Origin and Cosmic Life》。美国大使馆派人多次宣布支持徐工老师获得诺贝尔奖,要求徐工老师到上海大使馆面谈,同时与上海师大、上海科学院沟通。电话联系说“美国政府重视人才,欢迎到美国工作。我们可以送你到美国去生活。希望您获得诺贝尔奖后可以为美国发展出力。美国有很多人对您的宇宙生命理论、感觉记录传播超媒体通信理论感兴趣。在美国您的技术可以得到更好发挥”。这真是非常好的事情!相信美国更加重视人才!可叹我在中国始终得不到足够资金自己创业开公司,发挥技术特长,把我的感觉记录传播的超媒体通信技术等研究成果变成生产力。可是宇宙生命研究只是理论研究,不是技术产品,不能开公司赚钱的。

      智能人形机器人将是几百年内人类开发宇宙、建立月球基地、火星基地的主要方式。在那些星球上面建立机器人工厂和机器人文明社会,以工厂化方式实现自身克隆增殖后,可以认为智能机器人是宇宙生命的一种形式。 2021年诺贝尔奖脑电波感觉记录获奖,为人类与智能机器人沟通打开了一条重要通道。诺奖官方网站国际新闻Chinese teacher Xuriming徐瑞明工程师获奖,成为脑电波感觉信号记录与通讯领域的佼佼者,为机器人社会化奠定了关键的基础。脑电波实现智能机器人与人类的沟通,帮助智能机器人在获取互联网知识技能之外,更好地融入人类社会,与人类更好更默契地合作。那样就有了真正的天网机器人,能用脑电波与人类沟通,脑电波网络与国际互联网、智能物联网结合在一起成为未来生活的天网系统,许多机器人工具、手机、电脑成为天网终端。智能仿人类机器人是可以工厂化生产的。











The Origin of Life on Earth and the Big Bang of Life on Cold and Desolate Planets (Nobel Prize Applied)

Shenzhen Tianwang University Nobel Prize Xu Gong

In the spring of 2023, Chinese teacher Xuruiming, an undergraduate of Shanghai Normal University and a graduate of Chinese Academy of Sciences, sent an email to apply for the Nobel Prize! This application topic is the origin of life on Earth and the study of cosmic life. An email has been sent to the embassy and the Nobel Prize Committee. We have produced and released 1500 web news articles on the "Cambrian Life Explosion World Gold Nail Park", distributed approximately 150000 color page advertisements in multiple cities, and released over 30 travel videos on the "Universe Earth Life Explosion World Gold Nail Park". Cold and barren planets generate life! This is the meaning of the origin of Cambrian life in China. Life in the universe and on Earth originates from cold and barren planets. Three billion years ago, CH4+H2S formed combustible ice that has been spreading throughout the ocean to this day. The reaction of carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide in the original atmosphere produces organic molecules such as sugars, lipids, and amino acids. The reaction characteristics of mixed gases are necessary conditions for the production of organic compounds. Lipid vesicles combine with sugars, proteins, and DNA to form aggregates and evolve into bacterial cells. Many planets similar to Earth also undergo this reaction process. The Cambrian period is known as the Cambria Formation due to the discovery of a large glacier 1 billion years ago at the University of Cambridge in the UK. 650 million years ago, after the temperature rose and oxygen accumulated, photosynthesis evolved into aerobic respiration, and bacterial volume increased into fungi. Life on Earth has exploded! Photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria, evolved into algae. Protozoa differentiate into animals. During the Cambrian biological explosion, over 20 million species of flora and fauna quickly emerged in just 20 million to 25000 years. In terms of research on the origin of cosmic life and the Big Bang, Chinese teacher Xu Ruiming proposed that many planets in the universe are not suitable for the survival of animals and plants, but there are more suitable planets for the existence of field life.

CH4+H2S+PH3 → Lightning, sunlight, waves → Lipid soaking (sulfur lipids, phospholipids, etc.)

(NH4) 2CO3 in water → amino acids+lipids → peptides → proteins

NH3+H2O+CO2 → Photosynthesis → N2+O2+Sugar → Polysaccharides, DNA

Sulfur S and phosphorus P are important elements that make up proteins and nucleic acids. 90% of the ammonia gas in the primitive Earth is converted into amino acids and proteins in water. Lipid vesicles combine with sugars, proteins, and DNA to form aggregates and evolve into bacterial cells. Miller experiment in the United States: Reactions of carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and other gases in the original atmosphere produce organic molecules such as sugars, lipids, and amino acids.

The fundamental reason for haploid prokaryotic cells to evolve into eukaryotic cells is chromosome doubling and membrane accumulation. The transition from bacterial prokaryotes to eukaryotic cell occurred in the early Cambrian one billion years ago. Prokaryotic cells have no formed nuclei, only nucleoids, organelle have only ribosome and endoplasmic reticulum membrane, and only when nutrition is abundant and growth is good, can there be rich membrane accumulation. The method of division is Amitosis, generally with peptidoglycan cell wall. They are all haploids. Including bacteria, cyanobacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc. The life stage is dominated by haploid gametes, with naked DNA and no complex chromosomes. Animal and plant cells are eukaryotic cell. The diameter of eukaryotic cell is 10-100 times that of prokaryotic cells. Almost all of them are diploid, with large cells. Eukaryotic cell have chloroplasts or mitochondria, shaped nuclei, and a variety of organelle. During mitosis, the life stage is mainly composed of diploid sporophytes with multiple chromosomes and a complex structure of diploid chromosomes. The cell wall is composed of polysaccharide cellulose and pectin. The endoplasmic reticulum membrane is very developed with many membrane accumulations. Eukaryotic cell may combine with prokaryotic cells to form diploid large cells, and DNA is doubled. Therefore, the erroneous theory of symbiosis has emerged in history. It is also possible that when bacteria form spores, DNA replication does not separate in time after replication, but instead accumulates and sticks together to become diploid cell spores. The doubling of genetic material results in a 10-100 fold increase in cell diameter. Haploid doubling into diploid often leads to cell volume expansion, protein and sugar increase, more nutrient surplus, and great abundance of endoplasmic reticulum membrane. If the diameter increases by 10 times, the surface area will increase by 100 times and the volume will increase by 1000 times. As a result, a large amount of synthetic membrane materials can only accumulate inside the cells to form rich endoplasmic reticulum membranes. A large amount of membrane material surrounds the photosynthesis, respiration and DNA reaction areas, forming chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei. The theory of membrane accumulation. The fundamental reason for the evolution of haploid prokaryotic cells into diploid eukaryotic cell is the doubling of chromosomes, membrane accumulation, and the production of diploid eukaryotes dominated by sporophytes. However, lower plants such as algae and ferns still retain long-term haploid gametophyte, and even have rhizomes and leaves. The diploid sporophyte is only produced during the reproductive stage of gamete binding, with more developed rhizome and leaf organs. Lower animals also have a long haploid gamete period. Prokaryotic cell [gamete] → gamete binding or DNA replication doubling → cell enlargement → endoplasmic reticulum membrane accumulation → eukaryotic cell [sporophyte], chloroplast, mitochondria. It can be seen that the evolution of prokaryotic organisms into eukaryotic cell organisms is a long and slow process, and the gradual transition is not achieved overnight. A large amount of membrane material surrounds the photosynthesis, respiration and DNA reaction areas, forming chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei. The theory of membrane accumulation. The fundamental reason for haploid prokaryotic cells to evolve into diploid eukaryotic cell is the doubling of chromosomes and membrane accumulation.

Collagen determines the development of muscles, bones, and nervous systems, which are mainly composed of collagen. The evolution of protein content ensures the evolution of the movement ability of fish, reptiles, and mammalian birds. Sucrose synthesizes cellulose. As the efficiency of photosynthesis increases, the content of sucrose and cellulose also increases, leading to the evolution of tough rhizomes. Ensure that plants evolve from aquatic to terrestrial and develop thick tree trunks. The main component of cell walls and trees is cellulose.

The Great Explosion of Life on Earth and Six Major Extinctions

1、 The earliest mass extinction of organisms occurred in the late Ordovician period 440 million years ago, due to a continuous increase in oxygen content, a decrease in carbon dioxide content, global cooling, the reappearance of large glaciers, and the death of 85% of organisms. It is mainly marine benthos. But personally, I believe that the main cause of extinction is the rise of hard bony plate fish, which devoured and wiped out many marine insects. However, some articles suggest that it may be gamma radio storms and large glaciers that caused the Ordovician extinction. There are many fossils in common between the Ordovician and Cambrian organisms. The Cambrian and Ordovician periods were the prosperous periods of algae, plants, and marine insects. During the Ordovician and Cambrian periods, life on Earth experienced major eruptions and extinctions.

2、 380 million years ago, the Earth was in the late Devonian period, during which marine life on Earth suffered heavy damage; The cause of this mass extinction may be the result of multiple asteroid impacts and volcanic eruptions. I think it is the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates and the loss of Earth's water that has caused many lands to surface and create vast swampy areas. Causing the extinction of a large number of marine organisms, amphibians landed and thrived.

3、 The Permian biological mass extinction, about 250 million years ago, caused the separation of Pangea supercontinent. The main culprit was that the eruption of the super mantle plume caused the splitting movement of the earth plate. The Earth has experienced a large-scale extinction of life in its history.

4、 200 million years ago, the Earth experienced another mass extinction during the Triassic period, which resulted in 76% of all biological extinctions. The period of great development of reptiles and dinosaurs began, which is the era of reptiles - the Mesozoic era.

5、 Cretaceous mass extinction - the fifth mass extinction of the earth is the most familiar mass extinction of dinosaurs. The splitting movement of the earth plate triggered the rare Himalayan orogeny, the Pacific Rim seismic volcanic belt activity, the Atlantic splitting expansion activity, and the drift of the American plate, the Antarctic plate, and the Australian plate in the history of the earth. The massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that have caused the Earth to be in a gray and hazy climate with volcanic ash covering the sky for millions of years, resulting in the appearance of a large glacier that lasted for 3 million years and causing the extinction of Earth's life. I think it may not necessarily be caused by an asteroid hitting the Earth, but rather by the movement of the Earth's plates. However, the widespread view is that asteroid impacts can cause global plate fragmentation and volcanic earthquakes. The Earth has ushered in the most familiar extinction that has affected students' cognition in history. Many students like dinosaurs. Then enter the stage of mammalian and human evolution.

6、 The expansion of human cities led to the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth. Human destruction of the living conditions of wild animals and plants has led to a sharp decrease in the number of animals and plants. The phenomenon of mass extinction and subsequent outbreaks of biological groups indicates that environmental changes have triggered the evolution of biological populations. This is the main driving force and mode of large-scale evolution of biological groups. Environmental changes are the cause, and genetic mutations are a minority. Goldfish farming indicates that changes in biological morphology do not necessarily require genetic mutations. It can be due to small genetic differences and significant individual morphological differences. Many characteristics of goldfish have nothing to do with nuclear DNA inheritance, but individual factors.

Cold and barren planets generate life! This is the meaning of the origin of life in the Cambrian period. Life in the universe and on Earth originates from cold and barren planets. In terms of research on the origin of cosmic life and the Big Bang, Chinese teacher Xu Ruiming proposed that many planets in the universe are not suitable for the survival of animals and plants, but there are more suitable planets for the existence of field life. Electromagnetic wave based field life has stronger adaptability in the universe! Advantages of field life: without atomic and molecular structure, it can adapt to a variety of cosmic environments and can survive on a planet with strong magnetic field. Invisible passage through solids, easy to fly faster than light speed! High school physics shows that matter has wave particle duality. It is a common possibility for atoms and molecules of objects to disappear and transform into electromagnetic wave based field states. In fact, experiments have shown that atomic and molecular based organisms, such as the human body, can transition into a field state under the action of a honeycomb shaped electromagnetic field. It is said that China has been able to mass produce invisibility suits. When Grandpa Jiang came to our place for an interview, someone performed invisibility suits. Grandpa Jiang can use a button to control the electromagnetic field of invisibility suits and make the human body invisible into a state of field or restoration. Visible field states can be achieved, and there are many extraterrestrial organisms in the universe that can exist as field states. It can be considered that field life is the most common form of life in the universe. Humans can also evolve to the field life stage, and experiments have shown that this transformation is reversible and can be reduced. It can be considered that field life is the most common form of life in the universe. The movie showcases many extraterrestrial creatures and aliens in the universe. Once life is born, it will rapidly evolve, evolving into a variety of strange yet reasonable creatures! Please visit the Cambrian Life Explosion Museum in Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province, Maotianshan Cambrian Park, and the Cambrian World Gold Nail Park in Radar Mountain, Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province. Xu Ruiming, a graduate student at the Institute of Life Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, has promoted tourism and research work in the Cambrian World Golden Nail Park.
